The Company
New Paradigm Technologies, Inc.™ (NewPT™) is a company that develops software,
internet and related applications. It also owns and runs internet sites.
NewPT is a creative, delivery-oriented company with a solid history of overcoming
all technical challenges to produce solutions that satisfy clients.
Our approach is to understand and own our clients’ processes, and to continually
monitor the developing system and its associated environment for ramifications,
conflicts, and unrealized opportunities. We can take a project from
nothing, without regard to complexity, and proceed to develop an elegant,
intuitive and robust solution. We become a partner with our clients
in creating a coherent vision that we transform into a technology asset.
Every project we have been associated with has been successful.
We are especially interested in projects requiring the creation of powerful
new technologies.

Win Life® is about optimizing your
life for achieving your highest purposes. Our first module towards
that end is Transparent Life™, for exploring your life and life
situations for a more encompassing perspective. It has tools to
assist you in thinking things through and visualizing your thoughts
and situations. Online at win.life |

project networking website ProjectGroups™
will be back on line in April 2018. What is the site about? People connecting
and working on projects of mutual interest. Online at
projectgroups.com |